
Sustainability in the Quran
door Green Muslims 12 februari 2022
The Quran is primarily a spiritual book, but it is also a 'green guide'. The message is also about our responsibility as human beings for everything that has been created. A responsibility to seek peace and keep the peace. We need standards, values ​​and balance for this, both in our own inner world and in the outer world. After all, as human beings we are part of the world around us.
door Green Muslims 7 februari 2022
A SUMMIT TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST THE THREATS TO THE OCEAN The ocean covers more than 70% of the surface of our planet, yet too often remains on the sidelines of major European and international events.
door Green Muslims 1 februari 2022
The originally scheduled interview was moved due to a flat tire. Well, things like that can happen when you take such a long bike ride. On October 30, Rudy and Mohammed left Maassluis, Mohammed's hometown, and hope to arrive in Mecca around December 10. On average, people cycle about six hours and a hundred kilometers in a day. I called them when they were on the border between Austria and Germany.
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